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The economics of public finance / Philip E. Taylor

Por: Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: New York : The Macillan Compañy, 1961.Descripción: xviii, 588 páginas : ilustraciones y gráficos a blanco y negro ; 23 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 336.73 /  T238e 23
Introduction: public finance in its economic and political setting. -- Fiscal administration. -- Public expenditures: trends and their significance. -- Fiscal policy and the level of economic activity. -- Government expenditure and economic instability. -- Fiscal rograms to promote stability. -- Allocation of resources between the public and private sectors of the economy. -- Public debt: its nature and its management. -- Public debt and the money supply. -- The burden of debt. -- Public revenues: grants, gifts, and administrative revenues. -- Commercial revenues: government business enterprises. -- Taxes: allocation of tax burdens. -- Tax incidence and other effects. -- Property taxation. -- Personal income taxation. -- The nature of net income for tax purposes. -- Taxation of personal income from business corporations. -- Strengthening the personal income tax. -- Taxes on sales. -- Death and gift taxes. -- Business taxes. -- Taxes on employment and miscellaneous taxes. -- State and local finance in the national economy
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Introduction: public finance in its economic and political setting. -- Fiscal administration. -- Public expenditures: trends and their significance. -- Fiscal policy and the level of economic activity. -- Government expenditure and economic instability. -- Fiscal rograms to promote stability. -- Allocation of resources between the public and private sectors of the economy. -- Public debt: its nature and its management. -- Public debt and the money supply. -- The burden of debt. -- Public revenues: grants, gifts, and administrative revenues. -- Commercial revenues: government business enterprises. -- Taxes: allocation of tax burdens. -- Tax incidence and other effects. -- Property taxation. -- Personal income taxation. -- The nature of net income for tax purposes. --
Taxation of personal income from business corporations. -- Strengthening the personal income tax. -- Taxes on sales. -- Death and gift taxes. -- Business taxes. -- Taxes on employment and miscellaneous taxes. -- State and local finance in the national economy

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