Conditionality revisited : concepts, experiences, and lessons / The World Bank ; edited by Stefan Koeberle - Washington, DC : World Bank, 2005. - xvi, 273 pages : Color graphics and illustrations ; 26 cm.

Conditionality revisited: what has changed?. -- Plicy approaches and policy-based lending: what have we learned. -- Toward country-owned approaches: do we still need conditionality?. -- Partnerships in policy-based lending.

Conditionality has been a controversial aspect of policy-based lending since the 1980s. Critics argued that donors often designed and imposed conditionality without sufficient regard for the borrower country's preferences, resulting in inflexible and even ineffective lending. Proponents maintained that conditionality encouraged borrowing countries to undertake reforms and helped ensure mutual accountability and due diligence.


Economic assistance--Congresses.
Conditionality (International relations)--Congresses.
Economic assistance--Political aspects--Congresses.
Loans, Foreign--Political aspects--Congresses.
Economic development--Finance--Congresses.

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